Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto
Como parte de las actividades de la Nueva Generación de Investigadores del Desierto Sonorense realizamos una expedición trans-disciplinaria marítimo y terrestre entre el 8 y el 11 de Mayo del 2023 a bordo de la embarcación Triplefin.
Sea-Level Change in the Gulf of California: How do Past Changes Inform Predictions of Future Global Sea-Level Rise?
The proposed research aims to accurately constrain the age and magnitude of the Last Interglacial Maximum sea-level highstand in the Gulf of California using geologic evidence of past sea-level change exposed along the central Sonoran coast.
Songs & Soundscapes of Comcaac Desert and Sea Habitats
This project would provide a platform for Comcaac/Seri youth to explore the familiar soundscapes of their homelands through the alternately wide and narrow lenses offered by field recording, in three representative habitats of the Sonoran Desert – mangrove estuaries, ironwood stands, and mesquite bosques.
Conservation Status of the California Mountain Kingsnake in Todo Santos Islands
La serpiente rey de Isla Todos Santos (Lampropeltis herrerae) es endémica de la Isla Todos Santos Sur, en Ensenada, Baja California. Para contribuir a la conservación de la serpiente, es necesario realizar un diagnóstico de su estado de conservación.
Identifying Novel Viruses Associated with the Saguaro cactus, Carnegiea gigantea
The aim of this proposed research is to expand our current knowledge of the viral diversity associated with the iconic Saguaro.
Caving with a Mexican
El Grupo Pionero Espeleológico de Sonora surge como respuesta ante su gran potencial, el cual involucra a estudiantes, académicos y exploradores a documentar, investigar y promover su conservación.
Seeing Movement: Documenting Sonoran Wildlife Migration with Two Technologies
By combining and overlaying motion sensor images with large format photographs, my work will highlight movement through space not often observed or detected.
Photo-Acclimation of the Invasive Seaweed Wakame in the Understory of Kelp Forests
Este proyecto evaluará la capacidad invasiva de Undaria pinnatifida sobre fondos rocosos ya ocupados por mantos de Macrocystis pyrifera.
Agave Renaissance Summit, 2023
Agave Renaissance Summit, 2023 N-Gen and the Agave Heritage Festival collaborated to convene a cross section of over 80 stakeholders connected to agave from a wide range of backgrounds. The Agave Renaissance Summit was an initial effort to have words lead to action to help shape agave production in a balanced manner in the Arizona-Sonora […]
Gendered Socio-Ecological Impacts of Mining in the Sonoran Desert Transboundary Region
La cuenca del río Sonora es una región históricamente productiva, debido a las actividades agrícolas, ganaderas y mineras que ahí se concentran, se han registrado diversas dinámicas de degradación ecológica que impactan directamente a los ecosistemas ribereños.