Mayte Fernanda Reyes Hernández
Disciplines | Agriculture, Plant Ecology, Water Resources |
Regions | Yaqui |
Affiliation | Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora |
mayte.reyes205502@potros.itson.edu.mx | |
@MayteReyes59 | |
@itsfermay | |
ORCID | https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0244-6113 |
Google Scholar | https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=es&user=25X_zjMAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AH70aAXD2XMBb_t0a2xrbfQWala_h5uci548namlMCDMOlqVKmEYG-QGDPZoLGgLSJ1EiSafm7Y52mIK0DfybfLb7wiNSb9I6GZKwKSN |
About | I am a student of a master’s degree in science in natural resources. I work at the Yaqui Valley and I study dew water in wheat and stable isotopes. |