N-Gen Expeditions are a perfect example of how to link this network with primary science and/or conservation objectives. Regions of particular interest are selected as locations for all taxa biodiversity inventories led by the scientific experts of the area in question, N-Gen members. Either in response to controversial and large-scale development programs that require biodiversity baselines or a proactive opportunity to better understand an underexplored region, N-Gen expeditions address an immediate need with the highest caliber science available in the U.S. or Mexico.

Expeditions can be planned in relatively short order and result in scientifically rigorous, bilingual, and freely available information. The data gathered is an objective representation of the state of the region and is meant to inform future management decisions by all stakeholders.

Three expeditions have been undertaken thus far, yet many more await. We especially intend for these efforts to bridge social and biological disciplines, the arts and sciences, and the land and sea.

Completed Expeditions:

If you are interested in proposing a region for study, would like more information about how the process works, or other inquiries please contact us at nextgensd2012@gmail.com