Executive Summary
A week-long survey of the lands adjacent to the coral reefs of Cabo Pulmo in Baja
California Sur in November 2013 documented the terrestrial biodiversity of these lands
(392 plants, 44 mammals, 29 reptiles, and 95 birds, of which 42 have formal conservation recognition as endangered species under Mexican NOM-059). The area of highest conservation importance, Punta Arena, is in the proposed core development zone
of Cabo Dorado. Contained within the 11 square kilometers of Punta Arena are two
unique habitats, two micro-endemic plant species only known to occur within these
habitats, threatened species of shorebirds and waterfowl, and nesting sea turtles. We
propose an extension of the boundaries of the Cabo Pulmo National Park to incorporate
the lands and waters of Punta Arena to protect irreplaceable forms of life and the coral
reef ecosystem of the region.