Organizing a BioBlitz

The iNaturalist website has TONS of information, tutorials and tips on how to organize a BioBlitz, including downloadable guides. Be sure to check out the “Additional Resources” tab for examples and tips from around the world!

NatGeo has an excellent, downloadable guide to BioBlitzes that covers everything from organization, logistics, and communication, with several short case studies from succesful events.

Setting up a project page

We recommend a Collections Project, which automatically adds all observations made within a defined time and space. You can find more information on project types and how to set up a project here.

You might need to create a new iNaturalist place if your location is not available. If so, check out this tutorial.

If you set up more than one project page, please send your project page link to with the subject line “Local Border BioBlitz event”. 

Resources for your team members

You can find plenty of resources for your team members in our Participant Tutorials section!

You can also download this awesome pocket guide to iNat (and this guide on how to print and fold it up) to take to the field!

Please feel free to contact us with any questions at!