Sula Vanderplank
Disciplines | Biogeography, Botany, Conservation, Ecology |
Regions | Baja California, Borderlands, Central Sonora |
Website | http://SUVAresearch.com |
Affiliation | SUVA Research; Pronatura Noroeste; CICESE; San Diego Zoo Global; San Diego State Uni |
sula.vanderplank@gmail.com | |
ResearchGate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sula_Vanderplank |
Google Scholar | http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gW8OnYUAAAAJ&hl=en |
About | I am the Director of SUVA Research and the Coordinator of Terrestrial Ecosystem Conservation for Pronatura Noroeste. My research interests are broad, and include a suite of applied conservation-science projects. A botanist by training, I have studied the diverse ecosystems of Baja California and the offshore islands for the last 19 years, and have a Ph.D. in Plant Ecology from UC Riverside. I am adjunct Faculty at San Diego State University and the Center for scientific research and higher learning (CICESE) in Ensenada. I maintain an active cross-border research program focused on coastal ecosystems, and have published more than 50 scholarly articles and books. I am currently working with the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance to evaluate the status of cross-border rare plants. I am also a proud co-organizer of the border bioblitz, and I have been on the board of the Next Generation of Sonoran Desert Researchers since 2012. |