Michael Bogan
Disciplines Conservation, Ecology, Water Resources
Regions Arizona Uplands, Central Sonora, Gran Desierto, Sky Islands
Website https://sites.google.com/site/michaeltbogan/
Affiliation University of Arizona
Email michaelthomasbogan@gmail.com
Twitter @mtbogan
Instagram @deserth2o
ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Bogan
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qvp4whoAAAAJ&hl=en

My research focuses on how drying, flooding, and flow restoration affect stream ecosystems and riparian areas. I’m interested in how life-history traits of aquatic organisms (e.g. dispersal modes) interact with stream flow variability to produce the diverse communities that we often find in arid-land streams. Understanding these interactions is critical in the face of altered flow regimes resulting from climate change and anthropogenic water withdrawals. Most of my work is takes place in Madrean Sky Island streams, Sonoran Desert oases, and the Santa Cruz River.