Lasse Hölck
Disciplines Anthropology, Social Science
Regions Seri
Affiliation Freie Universität Berlin

Since 2007 I have been studying Sonoran history with a special interest in ethnohistory. In 2012 I completed my PhD in history of the Comcáac (Seris), drawing on documents from Mexican, US- American and European Archives. Frequent visits to Punta Chueca and Desemboque enriched my work with oral tradition and drawings from Comcaac individuals themselves. Recently (2014), the book has been published in German with the title “Kampf um Vertrauen. Die Comcáac von Sonora unter kolonialer und republikanischer Herrschaft, 1650- 1850” (“Struggle for Trust. Sonoran Comcáac under colonial and republican rule, 1650- 1850”).