Julia Rowe
Disciplines Conservation, Ecology, Natural Resource Mgmt, Ornithology, Plant Ecology
Regions Sky Islands, Tohono O’odham, Urban Centers
Website http://roweenvironment.weebly.com/
Affiliation Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Email JRowe364@gmail.com
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/julia-rowe-9326a4a8/
ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Julia_Rowe
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=en&user=pyZ

In my current role, I coordinate the Sonoran Desert Cooperative Weed Management Area (SD-CWMA), which is a collaborative effort between stakeholders from many agencies, non-profits, for-profits as well as citizen groups. I am responsible for building and maintaining invasive species outreach and education programs that target a wide variety of audiences. Conduct research related to invasive species and their impacts. Prepare grant proposals and raise funds for invasive species control efforts and research projects in collaboration with CWMA members and Desert Museum staff. Oversee contracted weed control activities and prepare grant reports for funding agencies. Lead volunteer, on-the-ground, invasive species control projects. Maintain up-to-date the content on www.buffelgrass.org and develop content for the Sonoran Desert CWMA website. Coordinate partner activities for Save our Saguaro-Beat Back Buffelgrass Month. Coordinate and assist with invasive species related research.

I am an ecologist who moved from Hawaii where I was studying conservation of seabirds as well as nutrient cycling in soils and plants and economics of restoration actions. I have worked mostly with birds and birds use of habitat in the past, and I have some experience with ecosystem services as well as nutrient cycling. My pre-Tucson desert experience was studying waterfowl’s use of the Niger River as they migrate in Africa.