Emily Wittman Clark
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emilywittmanclark@gmail.com | |
About | When I uprooted myself from Cape Cod, Massachusetts to work in the Sonoran Desert (especially since my prior research area was tropical ecology) I knew I’d be in for a shock. But instead of finding the area desolate, I found that I am constantly amazed by the species richness supported by this unique ecosystem. Since 2011 I have been studying waterbirds in the Estuaries of Coastal Sonora and the Islands of the Sea of Cortés through the Centro de Estudios Culturales y Ecológicos Prescott College AC. My main research interest is the nesting success of shorebirds and wading birds. I am also very concerned by the anthropological threats posed to migratory stop-over sites and important breeding grounds, and am working towards active conservation management at the grassroots level. |