Andres Lira-Noriega
Disciplines | Biogeography, Ecology, Plant Ecology |
Regions | Baja California, Borderlands, Cape Region, Central Sonora, Gulf of California |
Website | http://www.inecol.edu.mx/personal/index.php/moleculares/157-andres-lir |
Affiliation | Instituto de Ecología, A.C.(INECOL) |
aliranoriega@yahoo.com | |
ResearchGate | https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andres_Lira-Noriega |
ORCID | 0000-0002-3219-0019 |
Google Scholar | https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-1U0ws4AAAAJ&hl=en |
About | My research focuses on the analysis of species’ distributions and ecological niches at multiple spatial and temporal scales. To do this, I make extensive use of databases of specimens from scientific collections or from field and laboratory observations, which I combine with ecological niche modeling techniques, geographic information systems, and remote sensing tools to have a synthetic vision (predictive and descriptive) about why species are where they are. Currently, I develop predictive models for invasive species of agricultural and forestry importance and collaborate in various conservation biology and macroecology projects, one of them is an NSF-funded project on the GeoGenomics of the Baja California Peninsula. I love working in collaboration because I find it the most productive and easy way to learn and do research. |