Next Generation Sonoran Desert Researchers
––– Research Grants –––
N-Gen will not be opening a call for N-Gen Grant proposals for 2020.
N-Gen Research Grants are designed to provide financial support for members of the N-Gen community conducting research in the Sonoran Desert. N-Gen supports original student and collaborative research, with preference always given to proposals that take a synthetic and transdisciplinary approach (perspectives that seek to transcend the boundaries of individual disciplines) to various topics in the larger Sonoran Desert region and associated marine and coastal areas.
We are currently accepting pre-proposals until June 1, 2018 for:
(A) Student and Early Career Research Grants (up to $1,500 USD each)
(B) Collaborative Research Grants (up to $5,000 USD each)
Please see the full call for proposals here: N-Gen_RFP_2018_Eng_V1.pdf
N-Gen Research Grants Pre-Proposal Template
(to be used for Student and Early Career and Collaborative Grants)
- Project Title:
- PI (name, affiliation, email):
- Co-PIs (not required for Student and Early Career grants):
- Type of Grant (Student and Early Career or Collaborative):
- Discipline(s): (refer to Disciplines listed here:
Student and Early Career Grant prompt: Briefly outline your proposed research related to the Sonoran Desert and/or associated marine and coastal areas and explain how funding would help improve or complete your research project.
Collaborative Grant prompt: Briefly outline your proposed research related to the Sonoran Desert and/or associated marine and coastal areas, and in specific how your transdisciplinary project addresses the land:sea interface.
For all pre-proposals, briefly describe what N-Gen funding would support (e.g., travel, equipment, etc.). Specific numbers are not needed here but will be required at the full proposal stage.
Feel free to contact N-Gen with additional questions at