This project was undertaken by Wendy (Gwynn) Laird Benner and Dr. Helen Ingram around 2010, supported by the International Sonoran Desert Alliance and funded by the Southwestern Foundation for Education and Historical Preservation. N-Gen is hosting the project interviews due to their importance and the insights they provide on the cross-border nature of the Sonoran Desert and its conservation.

Sonoran Desert Voices

Recognizing those who have worked tirelessly to understand, preserve, and protect the Sonoran desert borderlands.


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Brill Broyles

Research associate with the University of Arizona’s Southwest Center, conservationist, and author.

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Alberto Burquez

Researcher at the Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México with focus on plant–animal interactions, biogeography, and the ecology of dryland plants.

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Carolyn Campbell

Executive Director for the Coalition for Sonoran Desert Protection.

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Carlos Castillo Sanchez

Senior Conservation Specialist for the Mexico Program and biologist.

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Charles Conner

Biologist Science Technician with Organ Pipe National Monument (retired) who specialized in reptiles and rodents.

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Matilda Essig

Artist and grasslands conservationist.

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Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta

Conservation biologist with focus on Colorado River Delta, and Director, Coastal Solutions Fellows Program for the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

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Curt McCasland

Former Refuge Manager at Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

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Robert Mesta

Former Coordinator of Sonoran Joint Venture.

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Joaquin Murrieta

Cultural Ecologist with the Watershed Management Group. Former Director, Mexico Programs, Sonoran Institute.

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Gary Nabhan

Agricultural ecologist, Ethnobotanist, Ecumenical Franciscan Brother, and author whose work has focused primarily on the plants and cultures of the desert Southwest.

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Carlos Nagel

Proprietor at Cultural Exchange Service. Former board member of the Sonoran Institute and co-founder, International Sonoran Desert Alliance.

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Howard Ness

(March 14, 1939-September 28, 2021) Worked for two western state fish and game departments (Nevada and California) and four United States government departments including as the Department of State (Foreign Service -Fisheries Attaché).

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Jennifer Pitt

Leads the United States–Mexico collaboration to restore the long-desiccated Colorado River Delta. She serves as the U.S. co-chair of the bi-national work group.

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Luther Propst

Founder and Executive Director (retired) of the Sonoran Institute focused on conservation and community in the West.

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Sherry Sass

Founder and Executive Director (retired) of Friends of the Santa Cruz River and the Tubac Nature Center.

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Peggy Turk-Boyer

Founder/Executive Director Emeritus, CEDO Intercultural.

Susan Anderson & Laura Paulson

Dr. Anderson (retired) served in the Nature Conservancy’s Mexico, Africa and Latin America divisions. Paulson is the Southwest borderlands program lead for the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Lee Baiza

Superintendent (retired), Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, U.S. National Park Service.

Lorraine Eiler

Tribal elder and leader. Hia-Ced O’odham member and San Lucy District Alternate of the Tohono O’odham Legislative Council. Founding board member of the International Sonoran Desert Alliance.

Exequiel Ezcurra

Plant ecologist and conservationist. studying the ecosystems of northwestern Mexico. A Fellow of the Ecological Society of America and Corresponding Fellow of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, Ezcurra has published more than 300 papers and books, has developed two Museum exhibits and an award-winning film on the Sea of Cortés. He was honored with a Conservation Biology Award and a Pew Fellowship in Marine Conservation; he was Scientific Chair of the CITES Convention, President of Mexico’s National Institute of Ecology, and 11-year Director of the University of California Institute for Mexico and the United States (UC MEXUS). Currently, he is Professor of Ecology at the University of California, Riverside.

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Richard Felger

Richard Stephen Felger (1934-2020) was a researcher with the Herbarium, School of Plant Sciences, University of Arizona. He published widely on arid-land botany, ethnobotany, and conservation, and he was a coauthor of Plant Life of a Desert Archipelago: Flora of the Sonoran Islands in the Gulf of California.

Karl Flessa

Professor of Geosciences, University of Arizona and Chief Scientist for the Minute 323 Monitoring and Science Team for the Colorado River Delta.

Diana Hadley and Peter Warshall

Hadley is founding board member of the Northern Jaguar Project and retired Associate Curator of Ethnohistory and Director of the Arizona State Museum’s Office of Ethnohistorica Research. Warshall (1940–2013) was an ecologist, activist and essayist whose work centered on conservation and conservation-based development. Warshall was the Sustainability and Anthropology Editor of one of the later editions of the Whole Earth Catalog series, and served as an editor of its spin-off magazine, Whole Earth Review.

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Gayle & William (Bill) Hartmann

Gayle has spent the last 35 years working in a variety of archaeological capacities throughout southern Arizona, including serving as editor of Kiva: The Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History. She is currently a research associate at the University of Arizona’s Arizona State Museum. Bill is a noted planetary scientist, painter, and author. He and Gayle co-wrote the beautifully illustrated book, «Desert Heart: Chronicles of the Sonoran Desert».

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Joseph Joaquin

(December 1, 1936-September 18, 2019) Elder and tribal leader. Joaquin was Cultural Resource Affairs Specialist for the Tohono O’odham Nation.

Beaumont (Beau) McClure

Department of the Interior’s Special Assistant for International Programs (retired).

Adrianne Rankin

Adrianne Rankin

William (Bill) Shaw

Professor Emeritus of Wildlife and Fisheries Science at The University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment.

Thomas Sheridan

Research Anthropologist at the Southwest Center and Professor of Anthropology in the University of Arizona School of Anthropology.

Harold Smith

Superintendent (retired), Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.

Tracy Taft

Executive Director (retired) of the International Sonoran Desert Alliance (ISDA).

Robert Varady

Research professor of environmental policy and immediate past director of the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona.

Joseph Wilder

Director, Southwest Center and editor, Journal of the Southwest, University of Arizona.

David Yetman

Author and research social scientist at the Southwest Center, University of Arizona.

Francisco Zamora

Senior Director of Programs, Sonoran Institute.

An interpretive tapestry created by artist Ann Keuper who wove in items—using sausage casing—brought by attendees of the International Sonoran Desert Alliance’s Celebration of Desert Cultures.


Sonoran Desert Network Weavers: Surprising Environmental Successes on the U.S./Mexico Border

by Wendy (Gwynn) Laird Benner and Dr. Helen Ingram

Citation: Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 53:1, 6-17, DOI: 10.1080/00139157.2011.539943