For the inaugural 2017-2018 N-Gen Grants we funded the following six student and early career grants:

MARESSA ARELY PÓLITO ZAMARRÓN, Detection of Pathogens of Importance in the Black-Vented Shearwater Nesting on Isla Natividad

DENISSE FIORDALIZO MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ, Documentation of the Yaqui Language

ANA LUISA CASTILLO MALDONADO, The Oases of the Sonoran Desert

GLORIA MARINA PEÓN LAZO, Variation in the Morphology and Ecophysiology of Two Allopatric Populations of Zebra-tailed Lizard in the Sonoran Desert

JOSÉ ISRAEL HERNÁNDEZ VALDIVIDA, Livestock and Conservation Policies in the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir National Park (SSPMNP)

MANUEL ALEJANDRO DELGADILLO NUÑO, Biological Responses and Populations Characteristics of the Giant Green Anemone and the Orange Cup Coral in Baja California, México


For the second year 2018-2019 N-Gen Grants we funded the following eight student  and early career grants:

ALEX TURNER, Seeing Movement: Documenting Sonoran Wildlife Migration with Two Technologies

BRENDAN FENERTY, Sea-Level Change in the Gulf of California: How do Past Changes Inform Predictions of Future Global Sea-Level Rise?

DAVID DEARMORE, Songs & Soundscapes of Comcaac Desert and Sea Habitats

JOSÉ MIGUEL SANDOVAL GIL, Photo-Acclimation of the Invasive Seaweed Wakame in the Understory of Kelp Forests

JUDITH TEODORA PAMAPA RAMÍREZ, Conservation Status of the California Mountain Kingsnake in Todo Santos Islands

LARA ALEJANDRINA CORNEJO DENMAN, Socio-Ecological Dynamics in the Sonora River

LUIS OMAR CALVA PÉREZ, Caving with a Mexican

RAFAELA SALGADO FONTENELE, Identifying Novel Viruses Associated with the Saguaro cactus, Carnegiea gigantea